2023 Harvest of Divine Project, Family Thanksgiving Harvest Announcement

Saint John Mary vianney family….
Founded on the Rock…

We thank God for the successful unveiling of this year’s Harvest Theme –

Harvest of Divine Project

Our slogan for this year’s Harvest is

Harvest of Divine Project…

Building for the Lord…

Our family thanksgiving starts this Sunday 10th Sept.2023,we are starting with the Parish Priests,The Cathechist and family, The parish pastoral council (PPC) and the laity council

Family Thanksgiving form is available for us to book our family Thanksgiving we can pick it on Sunday at the harvest stand.

We thank all our dear parishioners for their generosity.

You can redeem your pledges and commitment using the Alc below:

Platinum Mortgage Bank
Alc name:St John Mary Vianney
Alc no :0000164546

Zenith Bank Plc
Alc name:St John Mary Vianney
Alc no :1014802073

Also send your evidence of payment (receipt) on what’s app to the following nos on the screen
Bro Walter Innocent on 0803586430 or
Sir Ikechukwu Anaele on 07025001172

Follow our harvest activities on Instagram @sjmvharvest23 for more information.

Thank you
Harvest committee

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)