Weekly Announcements

Sunday (10/4/2022)


1. Remember to redeem your pledges.

2. Support the Church Building Project by paying into the account below:
Parish Project Account:
A/c No: 5100389304.
A/c Names: St john Mary project account
Bank: Heritage Bank.

3. The 2022 Cultural Day will be held on 21st August, 2022. All communities are to liaise with the parish committee.

4. Interested Parishioners are to register to join the Zumunta Mata Choir. You may please register with Sir Mark or Catechist Ishaya

5. All new parishioners are to register at the parish office. Collect Form from the catechist.

6. Tithe collection will henceforth be observed every Sunday after offertory collection.

7. Special assignment for the month of August is the Legion of Mary.

8. The parish school, St. John Mary Vianney International Academy shall be organizing Summer/Holiday Lessons for both Nursery and Primary Classes from 8th – 31st August 2022 at the school. Interested persons should pick a form at the school located at No. 2 Benue Road, Trademore Estate Phase 2, Lugbe Abuja. The fee is N7,000.00. Signed; Parish Education Committee.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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