2024 Father’s Day Celebration Activities

Monday, 22/4/2024: Nine (9) days Novena to St. Joseph starts. It will hold privately in every home. But we will gather as a body in the evening by 6pm to pray on Monday, while on Wednesday the novena will hold after evening mass. Also, Saturday novena will be by 6pm inside the church. and we will end on Sunday, 30/4/2024 by 5:30 pm with a benediction.

Wednesday, 1/5/2024: May day and Commemoration of St. Joseph De Worker (our Patron Saint). All Men are expected to attend Mass to pray for Fatherhood and the Nation.

Sunday, 5/5/2024: Father’s Day celebration with the following highlights:
1. Men to handle all liturgical activities of the Mass.
2. Thanksgiving at all masses but 10am mass will be dedicated for the Men to present plastics chairs during our Thanksgiving.
3. Father’s Day Speech by the President to the Men at all masses.

For the payment of plastic chairs, please make your transfer to CMO’s UBA account number 2066700511 and send us evidence of payment.

Thank you.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)