My dearest Parishioners, today was amazingly exceptional. Everyone came out with the best of the best. I want to use this opportunity to thank Almighty God for the success of today’s events. I thank the Auxiliary Bishop, His Lordship, Most Revd Dr. Anselm Umoren MSP for his exceptional compassion and blessings to us. He gave us His whole day. God continues to bless him, Amen.
May I thank us all,the wonderful people of St. Johnmary Vianney’s Parish Trademore Estate for the love and spirit of greatness displayed today. The fraternising was awesome. Thank you all for the gifts. We appreciate it. To the planning committee led by Mrs Mary Ogaziechi,I see all your sacrifices and great work. I am grateful and to all who contributed to making this day a big success, thank you greatlyand God bless your finances. All your financial contributions and support are acknowledged. I can’t thank you enough. THANK YOU. Special thank you to Fr. FRANCIS ANOZIE and Fr Augustine Okonkwo for the amazing brotherhood. Thanks to my catechists, seminarian Lazarus, Altarservers, choir, Lectors, church warders, MOD/Security, our wonderful children, and esteem parishioners.
Today, we are blessed with 165 Parishioners who received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This was made possible by our ever unrelenting instructors who sacrificed a lot to impact this catechetical instruction on our children. To all instructors, if you are reading this, know that I appreciate you, and I pray God’s blessings on you all. Thank you, and may your own never be missing, Amen.
Let me close by appreciating the colourful celebration of our feast day today and all the Catholic communities that made it happen. The dancers were exceptional, omo, the joy was out of this world, I enjoyed myself, and I hope We all did. It was a great celebration.
Very importantly too, i am sorry if in any way I have wronged you by my choice of the Church compound for this Celebration, please don’t hold it to heart but I would say, it wouldn’t have been better elsewhere than the church ground. We will continue to put efforts at improving our church environment. We all know our church compound is challenging, but gradually, by your support, we shall get there. In case i left anyone out, please thank you all, and may God bless us all. Amen
St. Johnmary Vianney – Pray for us.