About Us

History Of St. JMV - Highlights

– First mass at Emeka Anyanoka by the pioneer Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Dr. John Okoro on 10th April, 2011 with 17 Parishioners.

It was made possible by Lady Ngozi Mbaka, KSM who graciously gave us 2 bedroom apartment and:

Mrs. Amaka Okoro - 50 plastic chairs
Lady Ngozi Mbaka (KSM) - Mass box
Lady Tina Durojaiye (KSM) - Table as Altar
Late Lady Victoria Ehighalua (KSM) - Altar Clothes
Late Sir JPN Olisah (KSM) - Altar Decoration

The pioneer parishioners were;

Ebi, Durojaiye, Olisah, Ehighalua, Nwoko, Anih etc.

– Few months later, more persons joined the congregation and the apartment became too small with no room for expansion. We approached Lady Mbaka who obliged and transferred us to 88 Obafemi Awolowo where the present parish house is standing (which later became a lease). This is a three bedroom apartment.

– The maiden Harvest/Barzar was organized in 2012 by Sir Mark Ehighalua KSM and Engr. Emmanuel Mbaka was the Chief Harvester, while Mrs. Josephine Nneka Ojuderi as mother of the day.

– In 2014, the church made the first attempt to have a structure. We then moved to the site originally earmarked by the Estate developer Engr. Emmanuel Mbaka to build a Catholic Church near the bridge at Jessi-Jen Supermarket.

After attaining about 80% completion, a torrential rain with a massive’ flood that swept the entire structure and emptied all our properties into the canal.

At that point we had no choice but to go back to 88 Obafemi Awolowo after trying the open field for few Sunday masses.

– Once again, we were face to face with cap in hand at our grand patron’s residence to state our pitiable case.

It then dawned on him that Jesus said that His church will be built on the Rock (Matt 16:18)

– Despite that a land was originally allotted for a Catholic Community within the estate at the canal since 2008, but today, our church is standing Solidly on the Rock; The rain poured, the River overflowed and the wind blew hard against it, but it cannot and will never fall (Matt 7:25)

The cardinal was invited to the new Site and he gave his approval to Commence the Construction.

The Foundation laying ceremony was done by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. John Okoro. It is pertinent to note that the Parish got its name from the Cardinal who’s name is JOHN and the pioneer Parish Priest who is also JOHN and Mary Engr. Mbaka’s mother and also Vianney who is the Patron Saint of Priests.

The church was blessed with seasoned building professionals led by Engr. Christ Igibah. The roofing was completed by Fr. Okoro but was transferred soon after in 2016.

The new Priest, Rev. Fr. Joseph Olisah resumed on the 1st of June 2015 as the first Parish Priest. His 4 years tenure witnessed astronomical growth both in infrastructure, number of Parishioners and in activities.

He introduced the annual Cultural day to Commemorate the Patrons Saint;­ St. John Mary Vianney (August 4) and Divine mercy day, raising headed by Sir Mark Ehighalua KSM.

The Parish was fully integrated into the Archdiocese taking part in most activities at both Deanery and the Archdiocese; the Parish has won laurels through our lectors, choir and sports. We are the current Champion of the Deanery annual Football Competition. Rev. Fr. Joe Olisah founded two outstations: – St. Joseph’s the worker at Jedo Estate and the Spiritual Mass Centre, Both stations are doing well.

The present Parish Priest Rev. Fr. John Oluoma resumed on the 1st of April 2019 and has moved the parish to the next level. He introduced two monthly programs- the wonders of worship and Testimony of Praise. One of the outstations has been upgraded to a Pastoral Centre. He introduced the 3 Sunday masses one of which is transmitted live on the internet to the world making us a unique Parish with on line parishioners. He has also secured for the Parish 20 plots donated by our Patron Engr. Emmanuel Mbaka and the other by another developer Chief Nicholas Ukachukwu (Shalom Villa Estate). Finally the church is being expanded to accommodate more parishioners.

We wish to introduce in a special way our Resident Priest Rev. Fr. Michael Okoronkwo who introduced children Apostolate in 2019 in conjunction with the parish Priest.

This initiative has brought consciousness of children participation in Liturgy and other activities of the church.

Our church which started with about 17 Parishioners can now boast of almost 1500 members.

Tenure Of Parish Priests
Rev. Fr. Dr. John Okoro - 10/4/2011 to 31-5-2015
Rev. Fr. Joseph Olisah - 1/6/2015 to 31-5-2019
Rev. Fr. John Oluoma - 1/6/2019 to 03/07/2022
Rev. Fr. Samuel Kure - 04/07/2022 to 1/3/2023
Rev. Fr. Cyril Osuji - 01/03/2023 Till date
First Church Officials
1st PPC Chairman - Sir Jerome Igbabee (KSM)
1st CMO President - Sir Jerome Igbabee (KSM)
1st CWO President - Lady Julie Chika Olisah
1st Laity Chairman - Sir Mark Ehighalua (KSM)
1st Harvest Chairman - Sir Mark Ehighalua (KSM)
1st Children Harvest Chairperson - Lady Julie C. Olisah (KSM)
1st CYON President - Engr. Charles Igweze (KSM)
1st Altar Server President - Late Vitalis Osita
Catechists 1 - Francis Durojaiye (KSM)
Catechists 2 -Tony Ebi
Church Basic Christians Communities
Anambra/Enugu/Ebonyi Community
Imo/Abia Community
All Northern States Community
Edo/Delta Community
Yoruba Community
Akwa/Cross River Community

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)