Weekly Announcements
Sunday (10/4/2022) Announcements 1. Remember to redeem your pledges. 2. Support the Church Building Project by paying into the account below: Parish Project Account: A/c No: 5100389304. A/c Names: St john Mary project account Bank: Heritage Bank. 3. The 2022 Cultural Day will be held on 21st August, 2022. All communities are to liaise with […]
“Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022”
Christians in the FCT have set aside 8 days to pray for the unity of Christians in what is globally called the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020”. This program will begin on Sunday 16th and end on Sunday 23rd of January, 2022. During this program, each of the 5 Blocs of CAN (i.e., […]