Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria (CYON)

Background History

Catholic youth organization was founded in 1985 by late Most Rev Gabriel Ganaka and it was officially ratified in 1987 by the Catholic Bishops conference of Nigeria.

Motto: Let your light shine.
Logo: The Dove with a branch : A sign of purity and bearer of good news.
The pairs of hands : The hands of the youth recovering from above.
The Gold or Yellow Colour : The Church color
The Green Colour : Fruitfulness and nature
Slogan: The slogan of the organization is For God and For Youth and the response if Through Christ.
Anthem: The title of the Anthem of the organization is Arise and Shine.

Aims and Objectives

The primary objective is the spiritual development of youths through prayers, Bible and Spiritual reading and participation in the sacramental apostolic missionary life of the Church so as to achieve sound spiritual and moral excellence among the youths.
To harness the resources and develop the potentials of members so that they may become model Catholics with exemplary characters.
To promote Catholic identity through the inculturation of Catholic doctrines and practice as contains in the tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church.
To support and be loyal to the constituted authority of the Catholic Church in its mission in the world.
To coordinate the activities of Catholic Youth and also promote, encourage and pray for good Christian life in general and priestly / religious vocation and family life in particular.


1. Membership of the organization is open to all Catholic and Catechumens between the ages of fourteen (14) and thirty five (35) years. However, person above the age bracket may still remain as member provided such persons are known to identify with the principles of the organization but are not eligible to hold office.

2. Any member married and wedded in the Catholic Church seized to be member.

Parish Executives

President: Mr. Unok Boniface
Vice President

Upcoming Events

There is no upcoming events at this time

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)