Societies and Meeting Days

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Societies and Meeting Days

Here are the list of societies in the parish and there meeting days except when otherwise specified.

St. Anthony of PaduaTuesday – 6.00pm
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria (CCRN)Tuesday – 6.30pm
Thursday – 6.30pm
Sunday – 4.00pm
ChoirTuesday – 6.30pm
Friday – 6.00pm
Saturday – 5.00pm
Christian Women Organization (CWO)First Saturday of The Month
Christian Men’s Organization (CMO)CMOLast Sunday of The Month
Catholic Youths Organization of Nigeria (CYON) Thanksgiving.Second Sunday of The Month
LectorsSaturday – 5.00pm
Legion of MarySaturday – 7.30pm
Sunday – 10.00am
Mother of Perpetual HelpSaturday After 7.00am Mass
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of MaryThursday after 7.00am Mass
St. Vincent De PaulEvery Sunday After 8.30am Mass
Association of Mary, Queen of All HeartsMonday by 5.00pm
Church WardingSecond Sunday after 8.00am Mass
Anambra/Enugu/Ebonyi CommunityLast Sunday of The Month
Imo/Abia CommunityLast Sunday of The Month
Edo/Delta CommunityEvery 3rd Sunday of The Month
St. Micheal Yoruba CommunitySecond Sunday of The Month
Benue / Kogi / Northern CommunityLast Sunday of The Month After 10.00am Mass
Akwa / Cross CommunityFirst Sunday of The Month
Purgatorian SocietyTuesday 5.30pm

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)